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Dear Ms. Reader, 

I am writing a brief outline document, which gives an idea into the essence of what we offer at Rudds Media Group and some of the clients and projects that currently are in operation up to present.

With a family history dating back to 1950, the media in many ways is what the Rudds do best.

Brian Rudd, Charles Rudd’s late grandfa+ther who built a newspaper empire back in the late 50’s, not only did we hold the largest freesheet in yorkshire and finally selling out to the YEP in the early 80’s, but Brian was the founder of the world famous Autotrader the automotive sales magazine.

Later into the 1990’s the two sons of Brian, John and James followed the family media thread.

John opened Rudds Advertising agency in Leeds and James opened a Printing company in Wetherby, both were successful in their own rights.

One of the protogeys of Brian and his media knowledge and experience was a young Chris Bullavant who learnt and worked within the Rudds newspaper group before venturing off to the midlands and warwickshire becoming the midlands largest freesheet.

After covid and the internet driving the Observer group into liquidation, the relaunch of Bullivant Media group has brought the paper back into the media with the new launch into Birmingham and awards being won, they are back ahead of their game.

Charles Rudd the grandson of Brian and son of John was keen to offer his “Godfather of Marketing” title given to him by a Harrogate networking corporation for his development in brands in north Yorkshire, working with the bullivants and managing the media group in the early millennial.

Charles then went on to further his media career with the launch of Corporate Developments, this was a multi media agency of its time offering a telemarketing outsourcing agency for brands to offset certain sales and marketing projects to those who are leading in the industry.

Charles later went on to amalgamate with an early adopter in the internet .com world who was fast off the line with the social media, blogging and development of brands nationally, the first of its kind was with the Pure Brand in London.

This was a wedding planning and events management one stop shop in 2013, they went on to work in the Harley street Beauty sector long before it became a facility so readily available as it is today.

Charles went on in the media industry and specialized his skills into the psychology of influence and persuasion and how to implement this in the sales and marketing and in the automotive sector where he trained inhouse Mercedes- Benz staff into increasing their productivity and sales in contract lease, he had a spin off brand corporate car solutions which was the channel to implement this.






Furthering the media thread, Charles has been in the generation when the transformation from display advertising has been reveloutionary.

We have seen and been an active role in taking marketing and advertising to a digital level which has gone from a business or brand to having limited methodologies of how they market themselves and ways off actually advertising themselves.

The principals are still in bold like the commandments and the varieties of techniques are still very apparent and always will be.

The options now of choice and direct marketing is phenomenal. Who would have thought that we the consumer, the regular John, would be filling in such content about ourselves, our private lives, families, business, even down to our where, why, what and how or who with?

The multitude of platforms available to use are in double figures, tailoring those appropriate to our business marketing mix is key.

The social media networks now are if used in the correct methods very very effective to the spider of brand awareness and driving business in.

The web is now a standard part of everyday tools, from general research to satellite navigation to the wide variety of messaging services we now have become complacent and just use midlessly.

Referring to the main thread of this document and how the media and its transformation and extended use of tools hosted throughout the business marketing mix is just vast.

However, just appling all of these platforms, forums, blogs and social media interactions to the business is not necessarily going to be effective and generate revenue.

representation and accurate marketing plan must be constructed and executed with full knowledge of the business, service and proposed direction of the business. Like anything tailoring these platforms, marketing campaigns.

Yes, having a social media representation for your business is one thing and yes some awareness will be visible, yet to get full productivity, revenue, brand awareness and success from the platforms this is where a professional fully interacting with your audience are the skills that a fully experienced marketer is required for the role.

The ability of measuring the traffic and the accuracy of the statistics and analytics that you're able to generate are also very useful for visibility, success and directional campaigns focusing on just what's required for the precise revenue area you're looking to develop and open into.

By daily having interation with your audience as a brand and tuning into ideas and methods of giving out a clear message of what you want to be known for to build trust, consensus and increasing social proof.

Running interactive followings and campaigns and competitions all getting visibility and brand authority.

Nuts & Bolts

What do we offer as a media group?

How are we different from the other agencys?

How will we add value to your brand?

As disclosed earlier in this document the history and experience the Rudds have in the media sector and living, adapting and fitting into the digital market we know today.

With the social media mix being a must today, this requires employment, even a team to daily use the platforms to engage with the world.

Whether its directed into industry specific areas with aims to generate prospective business, maybe its a way your business can express its 6 key principles of influence and persation 

  1. Authority 

  2. Scarcity

  3. Liking

  4. Reciprocity

  5. Social proof

  6. Consensus

These are the 6 key pricipals for influence and persuasion which Dr Robert Chaldini studied for 5 years, with observations, experiments and trials, he discovered how people had such influence by authority, the power uniform has on people's  reaction and behavior, such as the trust and authority a Doctor's white coat holds.

Thousand’s of techniques all narrowed down into these key principals and incorporated into your social media posts and interaction.

We utilize the psychology of sales. We have marketing gurus at the forefront of every industry that we work with, we amalgamate with you and become proud to represent, develop and advertise your brand.

We have worked with and have current relationships with international brands in many different industries.

The beauty of integrating all of these threads and platforms into your mix and website, means that we can produce accurate measured statistics and analytically provide reports of what value we are promoting on your behalf.

We can evidently show key performance indicators, the traffic reach, the conversion into raw revenue.

Being visible and active out in the web is one thing but providing its effects and ultimately seeing the value we bring to you is paramount. 

We differ from the usual marketing agency in the respect that we are vercitial and not only will we be your marketing team, we have design teams who will begin the brand development, design your brand and develop your website, take it forward into the market, we will provide a dedicated team to each specific area of the development.

Using multi channel marketing platforms, methodologies which will fit into your ethos, offering telemarketing and account management.

We will introduce our networks across the group to help integrate and fit in some way the qualities or skills and services into your company expanding the multitude of assets for maximum sucsess.

For all your multi marketing and brand develooment please get in touch and book a consultation and discuss your next way to become a visible player in the market of choice.

Charles Rudd CEO

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C J Rudd

Leeds London Manchester

07586 793411

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