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The Full Story
Charles Rudd is a multi talented individuals who has many titles, labels and respect within the marketing world.Not only is he a poet, writer and artist, in his own time, bit in the business world he was given the label The Godfather of Marketing, by a networking organisation back in 2015.
Today he founded the Our Group, a internationally group of companion in a variety of industries.
Our Gold is a online platform auction, where people can buy and sell gold and precious metals.
Launching this 2023, is the first of its kind in Yorkshire, an App based , cleaning platform for domestic cleaning.
He talks of Our Host UK a property management system maybe in the pipe line also.
Take a look at just some of his achievements

Society as I know it
This is a brief poem written at the start of the pandemic.
Its a outlook shared by myself and a powerful standing on my view on as it is.
Force fed
Who said what your force fed, or is it just another thread ?
To the moon and back so they said, make believe what’s force fed.
Who dares to question what about “the daily bread “ lol I don’t believe in what Virgin Mary said, more like a fictional story for bed.
Consumption, consumed, systematic shit we are spoon fed .
CCTV security stay safe or really follow me instead?
Spiritually makes sense in my head! They have a way of saying your mad in the head
Covid covid your force fed manufacturing statistics, ecconemy shit we are force fed.
We have war ahead that’s going to be force fed
Next the war we all dead ready for the ailians now it’s their civilisation force fed

Reveloution of Digital Art
The term None fungible Tokens command is almost an overnight idea which most would think “well that won’t work “So digital clothing? Digital art, music, well almost anything can be NFT’ed. The idea of every NFT been different in slight or considerable ways the owner or shared owner will hold either the actual or more often the digital Intellectual property too.All traded minted with crypto currency’s.
This is something that corporations and brands like Adidas, Nike and large banking giants such as JP Morgan have affiliated with.
Facebook and it’s rebranded Meta all geared up for the meter verse the next generation of communication and money mass market economic none regulated success

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OUR HOST LEEDS UKPart of Our Group UK a group of franchises in a variety of industries.Our Host is a property management company specialising in Airbnb lets
My name is Charlie, my love of the arts and writing is something that Iv indulged in and have done for many years.As a hobby and interest as the years have gone by and my opinions have changed. A more unconventional way of how I perceive the world. The behaviours within society and how the world has changed so much In my short 40 years, the digital revolution has been something that Iv dipped my toe into, as much as beginning a degree in computing and IT from screen write, poetry and philosophy I can appreciate, along with comedy I feel I can encompass a cultural, versatile method of writing and visual in front of the cameras with acting and modelling also.
My poem Force fed, offers my views on just as a whole, the conditioning and philosophy that we are force fed so to speak.
Corruption is as raw in the UK although its not as in your face as the communist Russia or the in your face back handing authorities in Asia or Europe.

Read On
Deloitte reported that in 2019, 72% of wealth managers stated they already offer art and collectable investment advice as a core service. Not only that, but 81% of high-net-worth investors surveyed also declared they want to see more wealth managers incorporate art and collectable services into their wealth management offerings moving forward.
Even though recent global events have affected both physical auctions and private sales, as the world adapts and technology evolves, the online art market is arguably in rude health and expanding to meet the needs of savvy investors looking to diversify their portfolios.

Cleaning service
.Our Clean is a App based service we have developed based in West Yorkshire.Simple bespoke user friendly Download fill the criteria of your clean and a estimation is generated We will then email you or telephone you with confirmation and any further details of your preferences before we attend
The application is a method for integrating technology with a home service which requires doing with exactly what you wish and how you wish.We have qualified insured professionals who we match with yourselves and all contractors are security passed.Making your cleaning a safe ideal method of making your life run that bit smother

February 11, 2025
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Rudd's Media & Our Group UK
The Full Story